Dear Colleagues,
We all know Sponsored Project Administration (SPA) provides institutional approval for all proposal submissions, accepts grants, contracts, cooperative agreements, and other agreements funding sponsored projects.
But don’t forget SPA has a process for reviewing, accepting, and signing No-Money Agreements related to research (also called Non-Financial Agreements).
Examples of No Money/Non-Financial Agreements:
- Non Disclosure Agreements (NDA) relating to existing or potential research projects
- Confidentiality Agreements (CDA) relating to existing or potential research projects
- Data Use Agreements (DUA)
- Data Transfer and Use Agreements (DTUA)
- Research Collaboration Agreements (no money)
- Teaming Agreements
- Facility Use Agreements
- Master Agreements
What to do and What will happen:
- No-money agreements related to research should be delivered to SPA at
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or submit using UVMClick - Agreements (Job Aide Attached).
- Include all relevant documentation, emails and any additional instructions needed to process the agreement.
- Upon receipt, the agreement is assigned to a SPA Award Acceptance Officer and a UVMClick - Agreement record is created if not already in UVMClick.
- The Award Acceptance Officer will work with the PI, staff and the sponsor to complete the document.
- For those no money agreements that appear to engage our principal investigator in an organized project that requires a time commitment or other resources of the department, SPA
will request the Department Chair or designee’s approval of the no money
sponsored project prior to completing the agreement.
- The final version of the agreement will be archived and retrievable using UVMClick – Agreements.
The web version of the process is found at:
Non-Financial Agreement
For reference, other offices and agreement types those offices manage.
UVM Innovations
Examples of Agreements that should be directed to UVM Innovations - Office of Technology Commercialization include:
- Confidentiality Agreements related to licensing or commercial development
- Material Transfer Agreements– (outgoing and incoming)
- Co-development agreements with industrial partners
- Licensing Agreements for rights to UVM patents and/or copyrights
- Other Agreements related to Technology Commercialization
Office of General Counsel
Examples of Agreements that should be directed to Office of General Counsel include:
- Income Expense (Revenue Generating) Contracts
- Non-Procurement Contracts
- Other Contracts, as needed
Procurement Contracts
Purchasing and Contracts
Thank You.
Brian Prindle, MBA, CRA |
Executive Director
Signing Official
University of Vermont
Research Administration and Integrity
Office of the Vice President for Research
340 Waterman
| 85 South Prospect Street
Burlington, VT 05405-0160
P: 802-656-1435 |
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