Medlibbers - I agree wholeheartedly with Dalia. I have been a supporter of PubMed since I first encountered it. It was (and I emphasize "was") a decent, plain vanilla product. What we have been given has all the characteristics of a beta (alpha, actually) product. It just doesn't work and should never have been released. Try doing a search on AIDS and ask for cites from the last 90 days. You will get cites from 1989 instead. Unacceptable. Busy people don't have the time for "workarounds" of this magnitude. Cheri Smith, MLS Carroll County General Hospital Westminster, MD [log in to unmask] >In Industry, such programs go into a "beta test", and then it does Not >take "years" to make changes. Such "works in progress" should be >stated as such, and users given the option until it is agreed that it is >comparaablae, or acceptable.