One of the items that I have noticed, is they get permission from one
person to send a book that they publish yearly and then they keep
putting the same persons name on it every year.  All books end up on my
desk and this has been a nightmare.  I called and told them to quit
sending far so good.

Janet Puckett                   V: 580-249-3092
St. Mary's Mercy Hospital       F: 580-249-3091
305 S. Fifth                    E-mail:  [log in to unmask]
Enid, OK  73701

>From:  Kathy Tacke[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
>Sent:  Tuesday, February 03, 1998 3:21PM
>To:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject:       Faulkner & Gray
>I remember some dialog regarding unsolicited mailings some time back
>but do
>not remember if was regarding Faulkner and Gray.
>My hospital has been inundated with F&G shipments.  It is our policy
>for any
>orders to be placed with a PO# including free previews. They are being
>shipped to deparments all over the hospital, then I get a phone call
>the department head wondering why "I" ordered these books for them.  I
>called F&G today to see what the story is.... they claim a telemarketer
>prior permission before shipping books.  I was asked to check for a
>name on
>the invoice.  One of the reference names used is a secretary for the
>Department, who does answer the phone but would never risk authorizing
>book order and others are last names of people who do not work here.
>Director of Nursing is a STRICT manager and sends all of her requests
>to me
>as I am the purchasing agent for books etc...!  The really good part is
>all of the invoices are being sent to her (the DON) and F&G says they
>authorization from various people throughout the hospital (much to
>F&G said they would take us off of their telemarketer list, I have
>our receiving department to refuse any shipments from them without a
>Is anyone else having a similar problem.  This is poor business
>practice and
>they seem to be "passing the buck" to their telemarketing dept.
>Kathy Tacke
>Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County
>1200 College Dr.
>Rock Springs, Wy  82901
>voice 307-362-3711 X433
>fax 307-362-8391
>e-mail [log in to unmask]