1. I don't think controversy is grounds to recognize/disrecognize a club - we have seen that with our good friends over at SPARC. Also, controversy is a subjective opinion - some may think that VPIRGS agenda is controversial and some may not - it just depends on your personal belief system. 2. However, because of their lobbyist nature and their actual UVM agenda I am opposed to their recognition because that isn't the nature of a "club." VPIRG goes way beyond collective student interest and as Turi said is a group of professionals. 3. An intuitive objection arises immediately... Don't we recognize professional organizations? UVM Rescue isn't a club - they are a professional rescue organization. They go way beyond student interest - actually, they provide an essential service to the UVM campus and S. Burlington community. Same with Common Grounds - they are a professional rescue squad as well! Perhaps we need to formulate a new definition of a club and perhaps downsize? CEL