Hi Medlibbers I have two questions: 1. Can anyone send me the following poster presentations? - Endocrine Soc 1997 June Meeting Nolten WE et al Alprostadil - Am Diab Soc June 1997 Meeting Alprostadil Keiser, SE 2 Can anyone tell me who manufactures ethocyn or also known as ethoxhexylbicyclooctanone? Please respond directly to me! Thanks Suzanne Suzanne Saunders Membership Librarian University of the Witwatersrand Health Sciences Library (WHSL) Johannesburg, South Africa E-mail: [log in to unmask] Telephone: (27 11) 647-2072 Cellphone: 083 7734 180 Fax: (27 11) 643-8617 ICQ: 21875192 WHSL P.O. Box 351 Wits 2050