Dear Fellow Senators,

        The Senate currently has 27 filled Senate Seats.  13 remain
vacant.  Of the 27 filled seats, 16 are on-campus senators.  11 of those
27 are off-campus. As a result, the appointments committee must appoint 9
off-campus senators and 4 on-campus senators.
        The Appointments Committee consists of:  Senators, Sands,
Schaefer, Kastner, Fenzel, and Pontbriand (interim V.P.).  We are in need
of more senators to serve on the committee and to become involved in the
process of appointments.  The committee will begin meeting, interviewing,
and nominating qualified candidates for Senate Seats as of this afternoon

        With regard to University-Wide Committees, there remain many
vacancies which need to be filled for student representation.  The
following are a few of the vacant seats:

        Dean of Arts and Sciences Com.
        Faculty Senate Research and Scholarship Com.
        Student Advisory Com. to the Provost for Academic Affairs

Please note that there are many more, and the Committee will keep you

        Finally, the Constitution Committee currently consists of Senators
Britt, Fenzel, and Pontbriand (interim V.P.).  We need more senators
interested in the Committee and the Constitution.  Specifically, we need a
member of the finance committee to sit on it.  For more info on this
particular committee contact Robert at 6-7736.

        We appreciate and welcome all of the support that the Senate can
afford the Appointments Committee during this transitional period.
Senator Sands will deliver a formal Appointments Report at this Tuesday's


The Appointments Committee.

Sen. Kastner
Sen. Sands
Sen. Schaefer
Sen. Fenzel
Sen. Pontbriand (interim V.P.)