The following is the "Matsuri '99" article from the latest Japan-America Society of Vermont Newsletter. PLEASE HELP US SPREAD THE MATSURI WORD, AND FORWARD THIS E-MAIL TO ALL IN YOUR ADDRESS BOOK! Please send reply e-mail to Ronald Borch at [log in to unmask] (don't reply to everyone on the LIST) to request to be placed on the JASV mailing list and to receive the next newsletter. Hope to see you all at MATSURI '99! As we enter the final stages of putting together MATSURI '99, we are looking forward to an exciting day for one and all. Billed as JASV’s main event, MATSURI ‘99 – our biennial Japanese Festival – will be held at St. Michael’s College’s Ross Sports Center on Sunday, March 28 from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM. This year we will again feature Stuart Paton and the Burlington Taiko Drummers on our center stage as well as Vermont Aikido, Aikido of Champlain Valley and a demonstration by Andres Corrada using the traditional sword art of Iaido. In addition we are pleased to welcome Heidi Western on the koto. Our very own Mutsumi Corson, together with Jason Pepe and Kazue Oda will play traditional Japanese music. Also, St. Michael's College Students led by Prof. Hideko Furukawa will perform the Bon Odori Dance. In addition, the Jericho Elementary School 4th graders will put on a special Noh presentation. Other activities and demonstrations will include Ikebana, Haiku, Tea Ceremony, Origami, Wood Block printing, Calligraphy, Kimono try on, and Japanese language and culture lessons. Soft drinks and Japanese food will also be available from area vendors. We will also hold a raffle with some very nice prizes. This year, raffle proceeds will be donated to the Allan Andrews Scholarship Fund at the University of Vermont, to promote Japanese Cultural Exchange. Volunteers are still needed, so if you would like to help out in some way (free admission and “Matsuri ‘99” t-shirts for all volunteers!) call (802) 655-4197 for more information.