Yeah JAckie...good thinkin! prancin around BUrlington in our professional self
image- Sheila

Jacqueline Rousseau wrote:

> Heh everyone!
>  I am working on the t-shirts as we speak! What will probably end up
> happening is that I will get some funding from SGA (hopefully) and then it
> will be just like $5 to get a shirt. But they are going to be really
> nice-we want to look professional if we're going to be prancing around
> Burlington! :) Any feedback that you would like to give me would be greatly
> appreciated!
> jackie :)
> At 04:31 PM 3/31/1999 -0500, you wrote:
> >Hey everyone,
> >
> >I've got the paperwork for the COTS walk.  Try and go around and get a
> >buck from a couple of friends, parents, teachers etc. I'm also going to
> >see if the SGA wants to donate some money.  Just get the person's name,
> >address, phone number, and donation (if its a check, make it out to
> >COTS).  Thats all guys.  By the way, the event is on May 2, at 2:00pm at
> >st. Paul's Cathedral on 2 Cherry Street.   I think it would be best if
> >we met at 12:30pm and made some xtra shirts for everyone that doesn't
> >have them or lost them.  Does anyone no how to go about doing this?
> >Jackie suggested having nice shirts (like the ones made for Greek games)
> >made to make SGA look like a more serious organization/ more committed.
> >Write back with some feedback.  Thanks
> >
> >Tickner
> >
> >ps, if anyone still wants to do the Community Works day, you have till
> >April 9th to sign up at the student life office in Billings.
> >
> >