This is a communication list for internship professionals in Vermont. To write to all members of the listserv, send an email to Replies to messages will default to the original sender. If you wish to reply to everyone on the listserv, please "reply all". When a question of general interest is asked to the list, such as “how has your college/program dealt with liability insurance?" we ask that you reply only to the sender, who should then compile all the answers and send out a message to the list with a descriptive subject matter line, "responses to liability insurance question." This method limits the total number of emails coming from the listserv, and it allows one to more easily look for information in the listserv archives, which only shows the subject line. If you would like to look at archived messages (categorized by month) or change your delivery preferences (you can receive messages individually or in a daily digest mode), please visit: and create a login. For questions about this listserv, please contact Amanda Chase (