<[log in to unmask]> -----
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 12:25:41 -0500
From: "Mahoney, Sara - ODEP"<[log in to unmask]>
Subject: College Students or Recent College Grads: Columbia University
Summer Program: Pubic Health
To: "Mahoney, Sara - ODEP"<[log in to unmask]>
Sara Mahoney
Web: https://wrp.gov/<https://wrp.gov/>
Below is information regarding a 10-week summer program at Columbia
University. The purpose of the program is to increase interest and
knowledge of minority students, including individuals with disabilities,
in public health and biomedical science careers. The program includes
transportation, room and board for the entire program, and stipend.
Application deadline-February 14, 2012
Main website:
--- Forwarded message from Alan Muir<[log in to unmask]> -----
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2012 14:09:35 -0600
From: Alan Muir<[log in to unmask]>
Subject: COSD N-the-Know Webcast "Career Development for Students with Aspergers Syndrome" on February 16, 2012
To:[log in to unmask]
Reminder of thenext
N-the-Know Webcast
Career Services and Disability Services Professionals and Employers
are invited toviewthe
following Live Webcast
Thursday,February 16
2:00 to3:00PMEastern time
Career Development for Students with Asperger's Syndrome
Marcia Scheiner, Founder and President
Michael John Carley, Executive Director
Today many individuals with Aspergers Syndrome/high functioning
autism are completing college; yet many of these adults still do not
achieve full employment. Of those that do find jobs, many are
Employers need to have a better understanding of the unique
capabilities of this untapped workforce, and how to integrate employees
with Aspergers into the workplace. College career counselors for
on the autism spectrum need to arm themselves with the knowledge
about why employers will benefit from hiring individuals on the spectrum
and how to work with employers to help these students achieve full
employment. ASTEP will share their program for working with corporate
America to create awareness and
job opportunities for adults with Asperger Syndrome/high functioning
autism and how you as an employer or a career services professional
can join in this effort.
Produced by COSD
The price for this webcast is $99.
Package including all four Season Two live broadcasts with capability to view on-demandis $350
To reserve your virtual seat now...
Please go to the COSD website page for N-the-Know (http://e2ma.net/go/11591710996/4151484/113036468/23149/goto:http://www.cosdonline.org/n-the-know
)for more information on our first webcast and to learn about the
remainder of our Season Two. You can also go directly to the University
of Tennessee Career Services Webstore (http://e2ma.net/go/11591710996/4151484/113036469/23149/goto:https://web.dii.utk.edu/careerservices/c-61-n-the-know-webcasts.aspx )
to purchase any or all of these webcasts.
For more information, please contact Alan Muir, Executive Director of COSDat 865-974-7148 [log in to unmask] (mailto:[log in to unmask]).
N-the-Know is an interactive learning program to serve the needs of
Career Services and Disability Services in Higher Education and
Employers who seek substantive content in the areas of career
development and transition to employment for college students with
disabilities. The trademarked N-the-Know series includes four dynamic
live internet-based broadcasts streamed to your computer.
Asperger's Syndrome Training and Employment Partnership (ASTEP)
Marcia Scheiner, Presenter
Michael John Carley,
From: McCollough, Mathew (EOM)
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2011 3:00 PM
To: Ryan Easterly
Subject: Please Disseminate Widely: NASA Is Looking for Interns with
Disabilities in Summer 2012; Deadline 2/1/12
Importance: High
NASA is looking to increase the number of students with disabilities
pursuing science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers
through our internship programs. We have a two-percent hiring goal.
Students can apply for summer internships now! The deadline for
submitting applications is February 1, 2012. They can register for an
account and look for internships anytime at the One Stop Shopping
Initiative (OSSI): Student On-Line Application for Recruiting interns,
fellows and scholars (SOLAR) athttp://intern.nasa.gov/. Summer 2012
internships run for ten weeks from early June through early/mid August.
NASA internships are also offered during Spring, Fall and Year Long
Please see the attached recruitment letter, the recruitment flier, and
the instructions for how to use the on-line application system. Also,
please feel free to contact me for more information or help with
Kenneth A. Silberman, Esq.
U.S. Supreme Court, Maryland,& Patent Bars B.A., M.Eng., J.D.
NASA Engineer& Registered Patent Attorney Education Office Code 160
NASA/GSFC Mailstop 160 Bldg. 28 Rm. N165 Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA
Voice: (301) 286-9281
Fax: (301) 286-1655
E-mail:[log in to unmask]
Office Location: Building 28 Room W151
Attachment(s) from Ryan Easterly
4 of 4 File(s)
<http://l.yimg.com/kq/static/images/yg/img/doc/doc16x16.gif> Disability
<http://l.yimg.com/kq/static/images/yg/img/doc/doc16x16.gif> OSSI-SOLAR