September 2002


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Nathaly Filion <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Alianza Latina Business <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 Sep 2002 12:37:49 -0400
TEXT/PLAIN (60 lines)
Pam, just so you know -
David said he would need a room equipped with VCR
(vhs video cassette) and a cdplayer or boombox for his presentation.
I'm almost sure both of those things are available in that classroom, is that

Erin - where you able to take notes last night? i did not. DO you think
you could do a lil recap of what went on and put it on the listserve in
the next few days, pleeease? thanx

miguel - Dave and I have set up an appointment with Blanka Caha for
tomorrow at 12:30p. I know Tr are your most packed days, so i'm osrry for
not including you in this, but i figured since you're in charge of
publicity, you wouldn't want to be bombarded with the money issues, too.
Dave or i can recap for you what takes place with Blanka.

Ev - i'll be getting in touch with Juanita soon about what equipment, if
any she may need to have available for the Noche de Cultura, but if you
can start by scheduling the room for as early as 5p, if possible and
probably no later than 8p. thanx

Dave - i just left you a message about the meeting with blanka tomorrow,
but just wanna let ya know what's going on in case you don't get the
chance to check that for whatever reason.  We'll be meeting with her, in
the 1st floor SGA office tomorrow, Thurs, Sept 12th at 12:30p. see ya then




 On Wed, 11 Sep 2002, Pamela K. Gardner wrote:

> OK
> I reserved a room for our Latino Heritage month presentation by David Lamb
> (author of _Do Plantanos go with Collard Greens?_)
> Sept 21, 2002 (Saturday)
> 427 Waterman
> Since he speaks at 7pm, I reserved the room from 6:30-9:30.  I will fill
> out the proper form (Bear Down 6) and send it in right away.  Erin, I'll
> provide you with a copy so you can keep it in an "events" file.
> Sorry I had to leave early last night; the baby was preparing to melt down
> and I didn't want to disrupt the meeting.
> Since there were many issues left pending, I am looking forward to getting
> the minutes.
> Pamela K. Gardner
> Director of Career Services             802-656-3450
> The University of Vermont               802-656-0126 fax
> Living/Learning E
> 633 Main Street                         [log in to unmask]
> Burlington, VT 05405  