July 2006


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Alyx Lyons <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
SESP Supervisors <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 6 Jul 2006 16:01:59 -0400
text/plain (47 lines)
Hi Hunter,

I will be out of town on Monday, July 24, so will not be able to log in 
the hour on that day. As far as I understand the system right now, 
though, I can go back and log in the hour before I leave town (July 20) 
or the following week. Let me know if I need to do anything different.


Alyx Lyons
Business Manager
Career Services
University of Vermont
[log in to unmask]

Hunter Austin Johansson wrote:

> Hello Supervisors:
> The Students could not stop talking about their work yesterday.  All 
> were happy with their day, their supervisors, and what they will be 
> doing for the next four weeks.  Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
> Now a few logistics:  I need all supervisors to fill in Section B of 
> the student's Temporary Employee Form, so Human Resources can get 
> started processing their files.  Please give your Student this form at 
> the end of today.  In addition, please add the Chart String Number to 
> the form.
> Last, buy not least, please DO NOT LOG IN ONE HOUR on MONDAY, July 
> 10th.  Human Resources will not have the paperwork filled until next 
> week.  On Monday July 17th, you will log in one hour for the week of 
> the 10th, and one hour for the week of the 17th, and the students will 
> receive their paychecks on the July 21st.  If this is confusing, 
> please contact me.  Any questions about PeopleSoft, please contact 
> me.  Thank you for your continued efforts.
> Best regards,
> Hunter JohanssonSESP Coordinator -- Make the most of yourself for that 
> is all there is of you.
> --Ralph Waldo Emerson