December 2011


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Scott Whittier <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Climate & Meterology in Vermont <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 6 Dec 2011 12:42:09 -0500
text/plain (84 lines)
John -
These are local "in-house" graphics that we are testing our 
GIS capabilities from our newly formed team and thought it 
would be nice to share.

I can make an inquiry to them about how difficult it would 
be to obtain the database from the Albany office. That's one 
of the downfalls of the current NWS structure and Vermont 
being divided by two offices. In Connecticut it's three 
offices and NC it's five!

This was all based on radar technology and capabilities of 
offices. This may change in the future.

BTW...one of the members of the GIS team that is on this 
list server just came into my office and they're obtaining 
the data now and will try to include this data automatically 
in the future.

Stay tuned...new graphic may be available before the end of 
the day.


On 12/6/2011 12:24 PM, John MacArthur wrote:
> Scott:
> It's too bad that Vermont no longer includes Windham and Bennington Counties!
> Maybe we are now part of Albany.
> Is there an equivalent set of maps for the Albany area?
> Thanks,
> John MacArthur
> Marlboro, VT
> On Dec 6, 2011, at 11:07 AM, Scott Whittier wrote:
>> FYI...
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> Subject:	November climate maps
>> Date:	Tue, 06 Dec 2011 10:58:07 -0500
>> From:	Nathan Foster<[log in to unmask]>
>> To:	Greg Hanson<[log in to unmask]>
>> CC:	Andrew Loconto<[log in to unmask]>, Chuck McGill<[log in to unmask]>, Andy Nash<[log in to unmask]>, Scott Whittier<[log in to unmask]>, Paul Sisson<[log in to unmask]>
>> Monthly precip and departures from normal. One using COOP normals and
>> the other using PRISM normals.
>> -- 
>> Nathan Foster
>> Observation Program Leader
>> NWS Burlington, Vermont
>> (802) 862-8711 Ext. 225
>> <Nov_2011_precip.png><Nov_2011_precip_dep.png><Nov_2011_precip_dep_prism.png>

Scott L. Whittier
Warning Coordination Meteorologist

DOC/NOAA/National Weather Service
Burlington Intl Airport
1200 Airport Drive
S. Burlington VT 05403-6028
802-862-8711 x223

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The contents of this message are mine personally
and do not necessarily reflect any position of
the Government or the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration.