September 2002


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Willi Coleman <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Alianza Latina Business <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 Sep 2002 13:47:00 -0400
text/plain (81 lines)
Alianza Latina
Great news about David Lamb.
I love title of his presentation.
If there is a flyer send me copy.
I can help get word out a bit....
...goes well with Maria Herrara Sobek
presentation on 18th, 12:30
John Dewey Lounge.
Good show folks. Let's just keep
this mood going strong.

Willi Coleman
Director ALANA Studies
Associate Professor History

At 12:37 PM 9/11/02 -0400, you wrote:
>Pam, just so you know -
>David said he would need a room equipped with VCR
>(vhs video cassette) and a cdplayer or boombox for his presentation.
>I'm almost sure both of those things are available in that classroom, is that
>Erin - where you able to take notes last night? i did not. DO you think
>you could do a lil recap of what went on and put it on the listserve in
>the next few days, pleeease? thanx
>miguel - Dave and I have set up an appointment with Blanka Caha for
>tomorrow at 12:30p. I know Tr are your most packed days, so i'm osrry for
>not including you in this, but i figured since you're in charge of
>publicity, you wouldn't want to be bombarded with the money issues, too.
>Dave or i can recap for you what takes place with Blanka.
>Ev - i'll be getting in touch with Juanita soon about what equipment, if
>any she may need to have available for the Noche de Cultura, but if you
>can start by scheduling the room for as early as 5p, if possible and
>probably no later than 8p. thanx
>Dave - i just left you a message about the meeting with blanka tomorrow,
>but just wanna let ya know what's going on in case you don't get the
>chance to check that for whatever reason.  We'll be meeting with her, in
>the 1st floor SGA office tomorrow, Thurs, Sept 12th at 12:30p. see ya then
> On Wed, 11 Sep 2002, Pamela K. Gardner wrote:
>> OK
>> I reserved a room for our Latino Heritage month presentation by David Lamb
>> (author of _Do Plantanos go with Collard Greens?_)
>> Sept 21, 2002 (Saturday)
>> 427 Waterman
>> Since he speaks at 7pm, I reserved the room from 6:30-9:30.  I will fill
>> out the proper form (Bear Down 6) and send it in right away.  Erin, I'll
>> provide you with a copy so you can keep it in an "events" file.
>> Sorry I had to leave early last night; the baby was preparing to melt down
>> and I didn't want to disrupt the meeting.
>> Since there were many issues left pending, I am looking forward to getting
>> the minutes.
>> Pamela K. Gardner
>> Director of Career Services             802-656-3450
>> The University of Vermont               802-656-0126 fax
>> Living/Learning E
>> 633 Main Street                         [log in to unmask]
>> Burlington, VT 05405  