Lance... Thanks for digging into this. Here's some more info. The sizes in the CMU lib are in microns. I looked at the layout for a few cells and they did seem to agree with the area values in the .lib file. (e.g. the inv_2x has area 60 in the .lib file and is 60 um**2 in layout) So.... what units are the 5X numbers ? As for the wire models.. I added them from the ones used in 5x.. so your concern about the size assumputions is valid. I suspect we need to apply a scaling factor to them. Let's talk about it tomorrow... As for capacity.. there is no hardset die size for the project.. Unlike our rigid image concept, the MOSIS fab guys only give you minimum and maximum die size limits. I know that people have successfully done 500K gate designs in this library. .. I'm more concerned about tool capacity.. routing especially. I don't think we'll get anywhere close to pushing the absolute capacity.. but we could start looking at some hefty runtimes. Thanks again for your sluethwork... -jc "Lance D. Pickup" <[log in to unmask]> on 03/08/2000 12:55:51 PM To: [log in to unmask] cc: John M Cohn/Burlington/IBM@IBMUS, Jack Smith/Burlington/IBM@IBMUS, Mark D Lange/Burlington/IBM@IBMUS Subject: stdcell library sizes I have examined the Synopsys library information for the CMU library to determine if the area reports we are getting out make any sense. I have come to the determination that the size values we are getting out are scaled at least 10x and possibly 20-60x! To get a concrete answer to this question, we would need an answer to the question of for an XX by XX mm chip, what is the capacity (in whatever units the library designers chose) of the chip? Anyway, here is a comparison between the CMU library and the IBM CMOS5S0 library. All library elements were chosen to be single drive strength. Not that these would actually correspond, but in general synthesis is going to start with this drive strength and power up where it needs to, so I think it's a fair comparison: Element CMU IBM Scale? Inverter 60 1 60x 2w NAND 80 2 40x 4w NAND 120 4 30x Scannable DFF 640 9* ~70x 2:1 MUX 160 4 40x 4:1 MUX 380 8 ^50x * IBM Scannable DFF requires an external clock splitter for every 10 or so latches, so the equivalent size may be slightly larger than 9. Now obviously there are going to be differences in library design, and the only question that really matters is what units are the CMU library areas in and what is the capacity of the chip, but for a ballpark apples to apples comparison, I would divide the sizes you get out of Synopsys by 30-40 to get an IBM-like measure of size, and know that we can fit approx. 1 million IBM gates onto a CMOS5S0 chip (albeit a LARGE chip!) So, my 250K "cell" floating point unit is more like 7K IBM gates. I think the murmurs heard from the peanut gallery can now be quelled somewhat. John, I notice the v32 library has wireload models in it. Where did these wireload models come from? If they were copied from an IBM library to be tweaked later, I would caution you that the area numbers need to be similarly scaled or else they make no sense. If these numbers come from CMU, then I am scared again because it implies that the maximum chip capacity is 2 million CMU cells (equiv to ~60K IBM cells which is pretty small for a 0.35 micron technology!) ...Lance -- Lance Pickup O- VNET/IBM Internet: lpickup@btv Modeling Automation Internet: [log in to unmask] IBM Microelectronics ICQ UIN: 216830 Burlington, VT Phone: (802) 769-7104 (tie 446)