For anyone in the area with an interest in the fiber arts  -Azalais



                     TRACING THE TEXTILES OF EGYPT:
                      BEFORE AND AFTER TUTANKHAMUN

                          Nancy Arthur Hoskins

                           Seattle Art Museum
                         Nordstrom Lecture Hall

                       Saturday, June 7, 2003, 2 p.m.

     Among the golden treasures of Tutankhamun's tomb were
     baskets,belts, and beaded items, tapestry gloves and
     garments , and linen tunics. One of the tunics is
     embellished with embroidery and woven bands---still
     beautiful and colorful after more than three thousand years.

     This lecture will feature rare slides of ancient textiles
     from the Egyptian Museum and other collections. Mummy linen
     fragments and hand-woven replicas of the Tutankhamun
     patterned textiles will be displayed following the lecture.

     Nancy Arthur Hoskins is a author, artist, teacher and weaver,
     and has a Master's degree in Fine Arts/Weaving, Art
     Education, and Art History from the University of
     Oregon. She has taught college weaving for 15 years, and has
     presented programs and workshops for guilds and for national
     and international conferences. Ancient Egyptian, Coptic and
     Early Islamic weaving and embroidery are her special

     Tickets: AESA and SAM members: $7; Non-Members: $10

     The lecture is cosponsored by the AESA and the Seattle Art

     For further information contact:
       Liisa Prehn
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