greetings & welcome back...
	...and big welcome to all first year student this reaches! after  
careful consideration re: balancing outdoor program and doctoral  
program demands, i've decided to offer the wilderness education and  
leadership class in a more intensive format (more field time, less  
class time) this fall.
	while there are no prerequisites for this class to register,  
students with previous 3 season back country living skills will  
benefit most. This is not to designed to be a "learn to hike and  
camp" class nor is it an Outward Bound experience with emphasis on  
stress challenge.the class focus is on wilderness leadership history  
& pedagogy, developing critical skills as field instructors and  
consideration of environmental ethics, safety, judgement and decision  
making issues.
	please share class description with others you feel would be  
interested. feel free to drop a note with questions. best

John Abbott, M.Ed.						phone 	656.2060
Asst. Director of Student Life			    	e-mail	[log in to unmask]
Outdoor Programs 	    				    	fax		656.7731

Dept. of Student Life
University of Vermont
520 Main St.
310 Dudley Davis Student Center
Burlington, VT 05405

"Education isn't the filling of a pail but rather the lighting of a  
					       			- William Butler Yeats