[log in to unmask]:143/fetch%3EUID%3E%5EACCESS%2520survey%3E7?part=1.1.2&filename=clip_image002.gif" v:shapes="_x0000_i1025" height="200" width="185">
Your classes are finished

     The end of the semester is near.
Now it's YOUR turn to tell us
    How ACCESS did this year.

So please take our survey
    It's anonymous .... so don't wait!
As this will help ACCESS provide you with
   Customer service that's first-rate!

SURVEY LINK:    http://www.uvm.edu/access/survey/

Small print:
* Survey is open from today till ....
* I will be sending out periodic reminders in hopes of getting more than 100+ students to respond ... so answer as soon as possible OR I will continue to send nagging, annoying emails to take the survey.  I'll do this all summer if I have to.
* Survey is anonymous.
* Survey will take a maximum of 10- 15 minutes to fill out.
* Survey is not hazardous to your health nor does not have lasting side effects, but may make your experience with ACCESS better in the future.
* Survey link is http://www.uvm.edu/access/survey/
"As long as the differences and diversities of mankind exist, democracy must allow for compromise, for accommodation, and for the recognition of differences."
Eugene McCarthy

Sharon Mone 
Program Support Manager
A170 Living/Learning
633 Main St.
Burlington, VT 05405

This e-mail may contain information protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). If this email contains student information and you are not entitled to access such information under FERPA, please notify the sender. Federal regulations require that you destroy this email without reviewing it and you may not forward it to anyone. 
"As long as the differences and diversities of mankind exist, democracy must allow for compromise, for accommodation, and for the recognition of differences."
Eugene McCarthy

Sharon Mone 
Program Support Manager
A170 Living/Learning
633 Main St.
Burlington, VT 05405

This e-mail may contain information protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). If this email contains student information and you are not entitled to access such information under FERPA, please notify the sender. Federal regulations require that you destroy this email without reviewing it and you may not forward it to anyone.