[log in to unmask]:143/fetch%3EUID%3E%5E2008%2520-%2520FALL%2520Admitted%2520Students%3E61?part=1.1.2" v:shapes="_x0000_i1025" height="75" width="57">   Happy Senior Week Friday,

       The ACCESS office would like to remind you ...

ACCESS' Annual  Senior Reception
TODAY, Friday May 16, 2008
 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. 
Fireplace Lounge - Living Learning Center


    Please bring family, friends, faculty & staff to celebrate YOUR Graduation!
Hope to see you here!

Sharon Mone 
Program Support Manager
ACCESS - Academic Support Programs
A170 Living/Learning
633 Main St.
Burlington, VT 05405
P: 802.656.7753
F: 802.656.0739

"As long as the differences and diversities of mankind exist, democracy must allow for compromise, for accommodation, and for the recognition of differences."
Eugene McCarthy

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