John Abbott

Asst. Director of Student Life

UVM Outdoor Programs

590 Main St. 

Davis Center #310

Burlington, VT 05405






From: Bethany Applegate <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, March 10, 2017 at 2:09 PM
To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Wild Rockies Field Institute Course Announcement- please share!


Greetings from the Wild Rockies Field Institute!


Can you please share the following course announcement with your students?  2017 is shaping up to be a very exciting year for WRFI and we still have a few spaces left on our summer and fall courses.  Please let me know if any questions come up or if I can send along additional information.


I apologize for the mass email- I’d love to catch up with you and hope the semester is treating you well!  Thank you in advance.







Earn credit living in your tent! Seriously. 

The Wild Rockies Field Institute is an off-campus study opportunity; WRFI offers academic field-based courses through the University of Montana.  Our courses take place in the “Wild Rockies” of North America and combine rigorous academic inquiry with cultural immersion and extended backcountry expeditions (boating and backpacking sections for 6-12 days at a time!).  WRFI courses are taught 100% in the field!  Students join us from colleges and universities across North America and from a wide variety of majors; we currently offer courses in Environmental Studies, Natural Resources & Science Management, Native American Studies, Geography, and Philosophy.  WRFI’s small group size (10 students maximum, with 2 instructors) and interdisciplinary curriculum offer students an exceptional opportunity to complement their coursework on campus with experiential education in the field.  Students can spend a full term with WRFI in the fall, spring or summer as well as take advantage of exciting shorter summer course offerings such as Environmental Ethics: Climate Change and Visions of a Sustainable Future, Restoration Ecology in Greater Yellowstone, and Cycle the Rockies: Energy and Climate Change in Montana

NEW FOR 2017:

*WRFI’s popular “Colorado Plateau” course will be offered during both the SPRING and FALL semesters in 2017!  Check it out:

**WRFI’s “Cycle the Rockies” course will be sponsored by TREK BIKES in 2017!!!  With TREK’s support, WRFI can provide bicycles and gear to students and two TREK photojournalists will ride with the course to document the experience!

Learn more on our website: and blog:

Apply Here: has a rolling admissions policy- courses are open until they are full!

Scholarships and Financial Assistance Available: 

Please Contact Bethany Applegate (WRFI Outreach Manager) with questions at [log in to unmask] or 406-549-4336.



Bethany Applegate | Outreach Manager

Wild Rockies Field Institute

406-549-4336 |   

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